Designing &Development of an Automobile Green Gas Analyser
A great way to deal with pollution
The environment is at a higher risk than ever before. All efforts geared towards saving the environment are welcome. UGANDA particularly is one of the dumping grounds for old cars whose emissions drastically affect the air. So this effort to reduce such pollution is welcome.
Environmental conversation the way to go I support the idea let one know the impact of car to the environment
I think this idea is a start when it comes to how we can try and control the pollution we cause to the environment. From here, maybe we'll find better ways to actually control the emissions, that's if it goes further
Honestly speaking, your idea is centered on remeding pollution and not wastes
Carbon emissions is one of the global challenges in environmental conservation. To have sustainability management of carbon emissions to reduce the effects thereof is a plus for me. Any effort directed towards that ought be aplouded. I thus look unto positive impacts this ideas brings to the table and I Support it.
Environmental conservation in term of pollutions.
Because it purely conserving the environment
The idea offers a solution to a global crisis (thus can be applied anywhere in the world), mostly utilizing already existing materials with only few added to them to produce the result,this means it is affordable for developing countries that are most affected.
I strongly support and like this idea. Diesel/Petrol Engine/carbon emitting Cars are not leaving the market soon. With such an app/idea, one can know their carbon footprint and contribute towards the counter measures. Thank You Chen Chen Cornelius!!
It is not appealing to a common person (end user). There is no economic motive.
Health is wealth
A green environment and a conserved one is what the world deserves I recommend the idea
I like this idea because dealing with pollution protects and conserves our environment.
Very good initiative there is a big percentage contributed by automobiles to air pollution
This is a grate idea I must say. Our environment is increasing becoming poisonous mostly because of the emissions therefore this is a grate move towards achieving a healthy living
It provides a safe and healthy way of living. Fresh breath means longer life
Health is key, i strongly like the idea
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation